Sunday 18 December 2011

A week of two halves

What an exhausting week! Came down with a stomach bug on Wednesday. Under normal circumstances, by which I mean Singaporean circumstumstances, that would mean a trip to the medical centre, a bag of prescription drugs that would make any heroine addict happy and signing off MC (that's sick leave out here), but I'm British and like to suffer, not to mention that it was the christmas party on thursday and jaeger bomb night in Mogambos on Saturday, so I think I may have found a new cure for stomach upsets....partying till 3am on a concoction of vodka, Martell, sweet green tea, karaoke and jaeger bombs. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it but it's Sunday and I'm still alive to tell the tale and a whole lot thinner as a result! Having said that, today has been a total wash out....literally. Planned to actually do something decent with my day and visit the botanical gardens, and I decided to do it by public transport. It was a typical grey drizzly afternoon but I had my umbrella, figured I'd be fine...! Waiting for the bus and the sky dumped enough water to wash Bangkok away again. So I scrapped that idea and got the tube to Orchard for some shopping. Brilliant...finished my crimbo shopping list off, got a few bits for the house, had a spot of hawker grub and went to get a taxi...oh dear god, I've never seen a queue like it, coupled by the fact that taxis turn into the Scarlett pimpernel when it rains (very annoying when it's the bloody monsoon season!) I decided to take the public transport option again. Fine....until it came to walking home from the tube station. Just like taxis go into hiding when it rains, Singapore seems to lack certain levels of common sense...I'd been given paper carrier bags! So juggling an umbrella, heaving paper bags of goodies, whilst wearing a not so cleverly thought out outfit of white linen trousers and flip flops I make my move into the tropical rain storm, I lasted all of 5 mins before the first sodden bag broke, I slipped on some leaves and so the journey went on! But next week is Christams week and with the stomach bug behind me I say Ho Ho Ho...wish I was with you all to celebrate! I will be in spirit (vodka, Martell and jaeger bombs probably) Rouge x

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